How to avoid massive hair fall

massive hair fall

You need to follow these steps to avoid massive hair fall.

Head Massage – Like our body, the head needs to be massaged regularly by applying oil on the scalp. It helps in the better blood flow and that ensures liveliness of the veins and thus helping in the better nutrition to hair follicles.

Regular Shampooing – You need to regularly shampoo your hair. Before shampooing take care that you have applied oil to your hair and head at least half an hour before. Because without that shampooing will lead to thinning of hair. While shampooing takes care that you’re not only washing your hair but also cleaning your scalp. Because cleaning your scalp helps in avoiding saturation of bacteria layer on the scalp that is one of the reasons for dandruff, which cause hair fall.

Conditioning – After shampooing your hair and scalp, you need to apply conditioner on your hair, so that they’re not dry anymore. And wash them after that. You should not keep your hair and scalp dried because it’s one of the factors leading to hair fall.

After wash care – If you use hair creams then you can apply them on your hair, but if not hair oil is always the best option.

Some extra cares to be taken to avoid massive hair fall.

Use kerchief while riding motorcycles to avoid direct contact with pollution.

Wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner twice or thrice a week as per your needs and time available.

Similarly, massage your head, and oil your hair at night, so that by morning your hair goes under enough nourishment.

Avoid dry hair, too much silkiness is not good for the health of hair.

Eat healthily. Add proteins and vitamins and take them daily at a proper time.

Drink enough water.

Avoid using shampoos with harmful chemicals.

Lastly, you need to take care of your hair with these steps so that you can avoid massive hair fall.

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