How to Celebrate Valentine’s Day 2021 at Home During the Pandemic

Make an exquisite dinner

Covid-19 has affected many of us and our daily lives. As Valentine’s Day 2021 is approaching, many areas over the world are still under guidelines and restrictions. Many restaurants and leisure facilities also remain closed in the current climate.

So, how should you spend this year’s Valentine’s Day at home? Here we have listed some interesting and fun Valentine’s Day activities that everyone can enjoy.

1. Make an exquisite dinner
If you can’t go out to eat on Valentine’s Day, why not cook a nice dinner with your significant other at home? Here are some tasty recipes you could try!

Make an exquisite dinner
Make an exquisite dinner

a) Citrus-Roasted Salmon
Impressively elegant, but oh-so-simple, this dish cooks up in under an hour. Pair it with horseradish mashed potatoes for a lovely, simple meal.
b) Grilled Rib-Eye Steak
Rib-eye steak’s primary attribute is its juicy flavor, making it great for grilling. The marinade takes just minutes to prepare but adds a lot of flavors.
c) Cheese Grits and Corn Pudding
These mini soufflé dishes are elegant, light, and intimate.
d) Strip Steak with Lemon Mashed Potatoes
There’s a good reason why steak is such a classic dinner for two—it’s unbeatable! The lemon and pea mashed potatoes take this beloved side to the next level too.
e) Lobster Ravioli with Tomato Cream Sauce
Lobster-anything is always a treat, so go ahead and make these delicious raviolis for a special Valentine’s Day meal.
f) Cowboy Steaks and Potatoes with Broccoli and Cheddar-Scallion Spread
Got a special someone with cowboy-sized appetites? Serve them a fancy, bone-in grilled steak with a tasty cheddar spread.

2. Have a Game Night
No one can resist the charm of game night. Here are some board games to try on Valentine’s Day!

Have a Game Night
Have a Game Night

a) Chutes and Ladders
The classic Chutes and Ladders game contains 100 squares and depicts a series of ladders and slides. Each ladder represents a good deed and its reward, but every slide represents the consequences.
b) Trouble
In Trouble, the goal is to be the first player to get all four of your pieces around the board and back home again.
c) Sorry!
Move your four pawns around the board and safely navigate them home again in the game of Sorry!
d) Uno
There are no marbles, spinners, or game pieces required with Uno, which makes this card game quick to tidy up and great to take on the go.

3. Have a Movie Night
For couples who might be busy throughout the week, watching a movie together on the weekend is a good way to relax together. Valentine’s Day 2021 happens to fall on a Sunday, which provides you with a good opportunity to watch as many movies together that you’d like! Now here are some great movies to watch as a couple.

Have a Movie Night
Have a Movie Night

a) Love Actually
We love this classic romance comedy made up of 10 intertwining love stories.
b) Call Me by Your Name
This love story transcends the boundaries of gay dynamics among mainstream couples.
c) Portrait of a Lady on Fire
The gender gaze beyond the painting gaze.
d) The Invisible Guest
The film exposes all traces of compilation and inverts and advances layer by layer, guiding the truth to emerge at the end.

4. Prepare a gift for your SO
A gift for your partner doesn’t have to be expensive. Instead, let your partner know that you care about them by getting them a thoughtful gift. So how do you choose an intimate Valentine’s Day gift? Here are some tips.

Prepare a gift for your SO
Prepare a gift for your SO

a) Observe what your partner has mentioned that they want but haven’t bought yet. If you get them this gift, they will be happy that you remembered the gift they wanted!
b) Make a hand-made gift for them. This gift is full of your time, energy, and sincerity.
c) Make a commemorative video/vlog. Now is the age of information technology. Therefore, if you make a video or vlog for your partner and surprise them with it, they’ll be sure to love it!

So, there you have it, those were a few fun activities to celebrate on Valentine’s Day at home. Moreover, if you have children, why not get a babysitter or family (if your restrictions allow) to take care of them for a few hours so you can spend Valentine’s Day with your SO!

We hope everyone enjoys Valentine’s Day. Of course, we hope that the pandemic will end as soon as possible so that we can be free to choose where we spend Valentine’s Day next year!

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